Day 14: What I believe in

Day 14: write about something you believe in, anything at all

I believe everybody should have a hobby or leisure time pursuit, something that they are passionate about, that they love doing. The joy that lights up in one's eyes as we indulge in our favorite activity, the sheer thrill of getting down to enjoy in that one special, personally favored task is something that we shall always cherish. They give us those treasured moments that we spent on ourselves. 
In a lifetime of trying to care for the family, being around for friends, work and numerous social obligations, these times that we invest in ourselves sure are a great way to recharge and rejuvenate.
Mine is reading. What's yours?

Day 13- Favorite Quote(s)

Day 13: your favorite quote

Actually I have 3 favorite quotes. 

  • B.E. the change you wish to see in the world. 

This is from my engineering days. As Bachelors of Engineering was the graduate recognition we were aiming for, this was funny and profound. Over the years, I've realized its deeper truth though. We can't instill change in anybody but ourselves but we can inspire it in others. So, change yourself, the way you treat others and you start seeing that change in your surroundings too. 

  • Little Drops Make an Ocean.
I read this interesting line in my childhood. You can't eat a whole elephant but you can eat it one bite at a time. Back then, I wondered why anybody would would want to eat an elephant and how would they anyway. But now I focus more on the actual meaning. Almost everything can be broken up into small chunks and you can do them one thing at a time. Hate the clutter. Tackle it fifteen minutes at a time. Dislike ironing, do two pieces of clothing every 2 hours during the weekend. You won't accomplish everything but you will make a dent. Afraid of public speaking. Bid people Hello at the mall, restaurant for a month. Say a line or two for the next. Initiate a conversation about the weather in the third and in some time, you actually will enjoy holding audiences spellbound.

  • It's not your Aptitude but your Attitude that decides your Altitude.
What can I say? Things look bleak? Decide it can be overcome and it will be. Looks difficult. Think it can be done. It's adjusting your perspective and feeling positive that really helps i every situation.

So, what's your favorite quote?

Day 12: Top Ten (Best) Advice

Day 12: the best advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given

Actually there are some very good ones that I have received over the course of my growing up. Here are my favourites:

  1. Smile often. For sure, the best crease your face can sport.
  2. When buying clothes, choose taste and comfort over price and fashion trends. Absolutely.
  3. Whenever traveling, check for tickets and wallet. You can always get the rest. (I have added cell phone to this list though)
  4. There's a silver lining to every cloud. Never found it to be false.
  5. Whether it's a glass of water or career, go get it yourself. I can't agree more.
  6. If it takes only a minute, do it now. So true and gets so much done.
  7. Never touch an unwatched plate or drink. If you are a woman or alone, follow it. You never know.
  8. Love yourself. You can't love others when you can't even love yourself.
  9. Accept people for what they are and not what they can be. But inspire people to be what they can be and not stay as what they are. 
  10. Always tell Mom.

Day 11: Worst Advice Ever

Day 11: the worst advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given

There are many bad ones but the most irksome are:

  1. Stop growing or you won't get married. Like really it's in my hands. Not to mention that I was twelve and not really concerned about whether or not I would be able to clinch an eligible bachelor. I have now but that's another story for another time.
  2. Don't study too well or too much or you won't get a suitable match. This was usually followed by the line- Everybody is not like your father. This was in reference to my Dad who encouraged my Mom to work and pursue several degrees and eventually her doctorate. Agreed that not everyone is comfortable with a vastly more qualified wife but surely times are changing. I hated this line especially since people started harping on this aspect once I was in high school and had finally stopped growing any taller. Many were the times when I quelled the desire to turn into a murderess and concentrated instead on my studies. My husband is just like my Dad by the way. That itself is sweet revenge. :)

Day10- Be Yourself

Day 10: what you think when you hear the words “be yourself”

When I hear the words 'Be Yourself', a host of emotions come over me and a flurry of thoughts circle my head like kids circling an ice cream vendor- all vying for immediate attention.
Being yourself :
Is Tough. It takes guts to remain true to oneself in spite of fear of rejection or ridicule.
Takes courage. Conforming to popular beliefs is easy not following our hearts even is it means being rebellious.
Is the right thing to do and is easier in the long run.
Possible only if you are strong and introspective.
Is the only way to be happy.
Always leads to success. 
Is simpler and more rewarding. 
Means being comfortable with yourself.
Is the first step to loving yourself. 

Finally, I have to end with my closing comments on the topic:
Better to be an average original than a splendid copycat.

Day 9 : Top Twenty Things That Make Me Happy

Day 9: things that make you happy
  1. Books and libraries
  2. Being with and Talking to family 
  3. Desserts - ice creams, chocolates, custards, jelly
  4. Grandparents
  5. Junk food
  6. Listening to music
  7. Nature
  8. Milk products - lassi, curds, pedas, milkshakes
  9. Beaches, lakes, seas
  10. Travelling in a train
  11. Nuts
  12. Accessories
  13. Chatting with friends
  14. Weddings
  15. Lazy mornings
  16. Chandeliers
  17. Curtains
  18. Flowers vases
  19. Elocution competitions and Public Speaking
  20. Mehendi

Day 8: Top Seven Things that Make Me Sad

Day 8: things that make you sad

  1. Wedding 'bidaai' scenes
  2. Missing Home and family
  3. Tragic stories or novels with depressing ending
  4. News articles about atrocities against women and children
  5. Dull, cold, gloomy, wintry days
  6. Crying babies
  7. Saying goodbye to loved ones

Day 7: Moving Movie

Day 7: a show or a movie that has changed you, and how

One movie that changed me has to be "The Kung Fu Panda". I have to add here that I've seen a lot of movies, good and bad, commercial and classic, Bollywood and Hollywood. But somehow the one movie that sticks in my mind has to be this one.

The one memorable line that I have is "There is no Secret Ingredient" which leads Poe into realizing that Self-Belief is the chief ingredient to succeeding. The statement is not particularly original but it is profound. What better than cute animated characters to remind us to have faith in ourselves?

Some other things that stuck in my mind from the movie are as follows:

  • Love not Blindly. When you love a person, you must do so fully accepting them for what they are- faults and features alike.
  • Old people are wise. Their advice generally works, provided the context is right.
  • A hug always makes things better.
  • Parents always know the right thing to make us feel better.
  • Don't judge a person for what they look like. See them for what they are and what they can be.
  • Don't lie to your parents.

Advantages of Having an Identical Twin

I had ranted a while ago on how people bombard me with the most outrageous and silly oft-repeated questions about twins. But I left out the good parts, the awesome parts.
Here is a list of all the amazing advantages of being one of identical twins. The list is not exhaustive but it does make a solid case.

With an identical twin, you get:
  • a confidante for life
  • Someone who always understands
  • A warm feeling that someone has forever been with youg

Day 6- Changing For the Better

Day 6: something you would like to change about yourself

Actually, there are a lot of things I would like to change about myself. 
Procrastinating nature
Lack of organization
Dislike for cleaning
Clueless Culinary skills
Lip biting habit (my own, as should be obvious)
Disinterest in beauty care
Intense dislike for gym regimes

Reading the above list makes me wonder how I still manage to possess such copious amounts of self-esteem, positive self-worth and continue to feel so cheerfully ecstatic about my own self. But then not everybody has their own Personal Cheerleading Squad cum Mutual Admiration Society, do they? [They comprise of my twin sis and Mom! :) ]

But coming back to the things I would like to change about myself, my procrastinating nature is one major thing that I would like to change about myself. All the others are things that I am working on or have managed to reach an easy compromise on. I tackle clutter and daily tasks one thing at a time, I hit the gym everyday, even if only for twenty minutes; I am experimenting in the kitchen and with my personal care. I even have roped in Hubbyji to bring any lip biting to my conscious notice and try to avoid sulking. 

But postponing things is almost like second nature to me. Either I plan out too much in too many details or I dread things and keep stalling till it is upon me like a bursting volcano. Bad idea. 
And hence, that is the one thing I would like very much to change about myself.

Day 5- Change the World

Day 5: something you would change about the world

I'd like to change the way people see others. 
We are so intrinsically wired to view people on superficial criteria the minute we see them and form rock-solid opinions about them. Looks, attitude, status, height, body shape- is that what defines a person? Worse, is that how I define a person and how people define me? That's quite awful. 
Take me for example. I'm of average height, not in too good a shape, I do not wear brands (nor can I afford them), and am  philosophical and artistic (that is what I think of myself as). But do others see me as plain, fat, dowdy, spaced out and nerdy? Yikes!

I recently read about a different way to approach people. To judge them not for physical attributes but to regard them as potential friend material. At first it sounds silly, but then realization dawned. It's actually a great idea. I tried it and found it quite uplifting. This notion helps me try to draw the other person into a conversation, discuss hobbies and interests, share stories and best, give me a calmer and more positive mood.

I am not saying it is easy but it is fun and it earns me a good image if not great friends. Also, I actually am avoiding forming snappy and catty opinions about others and instead focussing on the virtues of a person. Now isn't that lovely?

Day 4- On Achieving Dreams

Day 4: how you think your life would change if you achieved your dream

I'm wondering how to respond to this. 
My life would definitely change to being more enriched, fuller, better on accomplishing my dreams. Realizing a resolution or dream would give me the confidence to push myself further and try and achieve tougher goals.
And of course, life would be happier. Since my dreams and goals often revolve around improving my self, so that is one more change in me and thus, my life.
To sum in a word or two, my life would be MORE AWESOME if I made my dreams come true.

Day 3- To blog Or Not to Blog

Day 3: what you think your reason for being here is:

The reason for my existence. Well, I'm still figuring that out.
But my reason to blog? Here's why:

  1. I like to write.
  2. Being opinionated and sarcastic are my endearing traits which this medium allows me to be.
  3. Blogger is a marvellous outlet for my frank expressions.
  4. I like doodling on the Internet figuring out stuff and Blogger's features are my current craze.
  5. I need to be a blogger to comment on other people's opinions and thoughts.
  6. Typically a nosey young woman, I like reading random thoughts and perspectives.
  7. Improving my language is a lifelong habit. And nothing facilitates this like writing.
  8. I have loads of time to kill and a surprising lack of willing audiences. 
  9. I am open to the idea of making money online. (I wish that would happen- SOON)
  10. Blogging is a great way for me to chronicle my various attempts at improving myself, sticking to my lofty and not-so-lofty resolutions.

Day 2- Healthcare At Home

Day 2: something that’s illegal but you think it should be legal
I think medicines - at least basic stuff, ought to be made legal and available freely. I really do not criticize the practice of selling drugs without prescriptions. I think it is a good step in countering drug addiction and aiding healthcare. But as somebody exposed to a different healthcare system all her life, this does seem a tad bit confusing and cumbersome.
Given below are two reasons why I maintain this perspective.
1. Impatience of a Patient:
To me it does seem rather hassling to wait for two to three days to get an appointment to the doctor when I am sick. I definitely am not in the mood to haul and cajole myself all the way to the doctor and then have to drag my self-pitying person to the pharmacist to get the required medication. And the while I am possibly coughing or moaning or sweating or aching and sometimes, all of these, and nobody cares a hoot because that is the procedure. Compare this to the family doctors who are always available, close by with medical shops abounding in every street and corner. 
2. Homely Remedies, Medical Advice and More:
I am one of those people used to twenty five years of Indian health system. So, it is extremely difficult for me not to long for the simplicity of medication back home. The minute I would show the barest symptoms of being under the weather, I'd have an army of people flocking to make me feel better. The women fussing anxiously and all the father figures pampering me. I'd be presented with an effective, however vile and foul tasting homemade concoction ; the recipe of which is handed down generation to generation. Next would follow OTC medicines with loads of advice from ancient  or/and female relatives of the pharmacist who usually mind the cash counter. In the unlikely event that my condition deteriorates, a trip to the doctor would ensue. Here I'd swap stories, symptoms and gossip with other patients seated to visit the doctor. The actual consultation would entail five minutes of check-up, two minutes of prescription handling and half an hour of serious discussion on symptoms- imagined and real, family medical history dating back to the Stone Age and brief updates about our lives in general. Indian doctors definitely ace in the bedside manner department.

Bangalore Stories- The Red Carpet

Eight Stories with Bangalore as the backdrop. I did not like the first three stories because they seemed a bit too explicit. I have Victorian sensibilities. But something made me stick on. And I am glad. Because the remaining five were quite nice. The characters are completely Indian and hence, I could relate to the madi-following Iyer mamis, the young, overworked and harassed software professionals, the clash of mother and daughter, the mentality of the working class.
Though I hope never to meet the maid who is a child-abuser or have my friends (male or otherwise) cussing for all they're worth and using filthy language in my presence, I know that these are portraits of real people abounding in all our cities and towns. The characterization is very strong and that is what makes the book a compelling read. Lavanya Sankaran is pretty cool for a first time author.

Day 1 :A Fresh Beginning

Day 1: hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days with a picture of yourself

For the next 365 days, I plan to keep 'Try It' as my Mantra. I hope to be able to shed my natural reservation against new and unknown things. I have a vivid imagination, a strong sense of self-preservation and am completely risk-averse. All this makes me naturally reluctant to accept unknown challenges head-on. Even though, I have led an extremely enjoyable and content life, I want to try out new activities and explore new avenues of fun.

My dream for the next year is to write a post a day and keep at it. I like to write but I want to write worthy lines. I hope to keep at this task diligently and not lose steam midway or even after the first week. That brings me to one change that I would like to see in myself somewhere in the future. I have a habit of taking on too many things at the same time and this leads me to drop a lot of them half-done or finish them but not to my satisfaction. I am talking here of all my hobbies except reading - but I suspect it has a lot to do with my high reading speed. I want to change that. By writing a post every day, I will know that yes, I can stick to something and see it through the finish.

One more dream is to have a collection of 50 essays that can be deemed worthy of publishing. Not that I aspire to be a writer. But I just wish to improve my writing skills and my flair for expressing my thoughts via the written word.

Hopefully I'll join college this year. That is one more aspiration that I am working towards.

I am learning how to cook well. I'm taking baby steps into the world of culinary arts. Up until now, it's been a roller coaster ride. Worse, of course, for Hubbyji. He has always been a discerning eater, eh likes his meals cooked just so. And he himself is a marvellous cook. (His ambition at one time was to become a chef, but gave it up due to his vegetarian lifestyle.) But he has been so patient and accomodating of my errant cooking that just for him, bless his soul; I want to learn faster and become a fairly decent cook.

Another plan for the year ahead is to keep up my habit of hitting the gym. I hate gym routines but thanks, to the love handles threatening to sneak up on me and my hereditary composition, I need to remain fit. I hope I have it in me to excercise daily and stay focussed. After all, the awesome gym facilities in our apartment are FREE! I've appealed to the bargaining, economist in me to stay committed to this cause.

Here's to dreams, hopes and plans and may they all come true!

Return of the 365 Day Challenge- I'm Back

I am resuming the 365 Day Challenge! Yippee!!

I was feeling quite low about not having stuck to the 365 Day challenge. But I was idly googling 365 Day Challenge again when I noticed a list with 365 topics to write on. And I thought, this is a Leap Year. Should not there be 366 of these? I may have not been able to write continuously for a month but that did not deter me from being critical of others.
And it was then that I realized that the challenge is sticking on for a whole year irrespective of when you begin. So, here's to a great start. Do check out this challenge, it is fun.

365 Day Challenge on Tumblr

And since this IS a Leap Year, today is the introductory piece of my 366 Day Challenge with tomorrow's post as Day1 and so on.
Yes, I really do not change or stop procrastinating, do I? :)
Happy Blogging!

Masterpieces in Miniature

I'm in heaven. Agatha Christie is fabulous. A collection of her stories- terrific. A collection containing not one, not two, not even three but four of her principal detective characters. Taste of heaven.

Masterpieces in Miniature is a collection of short stories featuring The famous Hercule Poirot with his immense moustache and egg-shaped head, Parker Pune with his trademark line- Are You Unhappy, the quiet Mr Sattherwaite and the mysterious MrQuin and lastly the unassuming but sharp MsJane Marple.

A delight to read and a pleasure to savour, each story is different just as the detectives themselves are. Let me repeat- totally fantastic.

Monday Meme

Here are the answers to Monday meme:
Acting Balanced

1. What is on your bedside table? Agatha Christie's Masterpieces in Miniature 

2. Hardback, Paperback or E-Reader? Paperback
3. What is your 'go to' drink of choice? Freshly brewed South Indian Coffee.
4. How do you like to spend your birthday? With family and friends, snacks and lots of laughter and stories and cheer.
5. Finish this sentence - I would never be caught dead in ... Black lipstick